
OLD FORUM. DON'T USE THIS Go to Nintendo Papercraft instead!

PaperMario is on indefinite hiatus...

Due to time restraints and other commitments, the PaperMario Team is unable to make papercrafts for the time being. Sorry about that. Hopefully a few new models will be released within the next few months. It's going to be a while before any new models are released in any case.

In the meantime, make sure to alert us to any broken links if you find any and we should fix them as soon as we can.

The PaperMario project is completely dead. If you are interested in papercrafts, I highly recommend checking out Nintendo Papercraft instead! It's much better than this site and forums. Go be active over there! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whew, back up and running...

Well, you might have noticed that our lovely host IMGBoot decided to suspend our account, evidenced by the "Visit IMGBoot" pictures left all over from broken links. Here's hoping Photobucket doesn't run out of bandwidth too often.

Our forums should soon be fixed as well. For now, enjoy the blog.

Also, sorry for the inactivity, but due to school, and an overloaded schedule, I've been busy. And I've got several nice projects, all awaiting their finishing, but they're all on hold indefinitely until my busy schedule clears up. Check the forums for hints to upcoming releases.

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